TRX Travelstyle a startup travel accessory promising start pre covid, took a majot hit post covid due to its distribution channel ar teh Interntaional Airport stores, and toruist Mall destination retail shops getting most effected. With a silent only D2C presence mainatined post covid, out of trend and old technology electronic accessory category inventory, and few key factors , The business of TRX Travel and growth was stagnated till Mid 2023.
Opportunity analysis and market gap in this category was the ket reaosn that MKS has invetsment sweat and strategy in TRX, with a re launch planned October 2023, just beofre the season peak and its feels that a ‘Travel’ Accesoory brand is a great fit to be present in Dubai and UAE which si today. gloabl troust and trvael detsination.
Repackaging of its fast moving past product line, lastets version option for the popular electronic accessories, and new product line which would having multifuncationality, ultilty providing efficiency and convinece to travelers, would be added to teh portfolio during it relaunch.
TRX would be primarlily avaialble on its website and Other Q-commerce sites in the UAE, with option for drop shipment to GCC countries; along with some key retail stores withing hotel, hotel & service apartments convinince stores, sourveniors shops, electronic stores, Duty Free Shops, inflight shopping catalgoues and also some in room hotel Shopping expeirences that its being laucnhed by MKS’s Innovatiion Trade & Distribution Team spear headed with its Managing Directors – Wasim Khan.